Hannah Ash

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And Here We Are.

Im starting from today. Today our new adventure begins... Yes, we moved to Sasebo, Japan 6 weeks ago, but the transition was a rough one, at least for husband and I. It has taken us, literally, months to be settled... We feel a bit battered, a bit exhausted, yet part of me I know is stronger, yet again. Each Navy move has its challenges, and moving overseas with a large family, well that one takes the cake! Heres a brief recap of the last 6 weeks...

We drove to Atlanta on New Years Day, to fly out the following morning. What a way to start the New Year! The travel was as expected, better actually... The kids were rockstars, Harvey was well cared for, and although we had to lay over in Tokyo, we enjoyed a nice stay in a fun hotel! The flight from Narita to FUK was special to me since the plane rounded Mount Fuji... It was like re-uniting with an old friend.. I hope we make it up there during this tour!

The story of getting our large dog here I will save for another post, since I would like it to be full of the factual info to hopefully help other families who will be moving to Sasebo with their fur babes...

Following a 2 hour bus ride through the mountains after landing in Fukuoka, we dropped Harvey off at the kennel and moved into the Navy Lodge.. We had 2 rooms we hoped to call home for just a short while... Boy were we wrong! Within days we discovered the housing wait list for our family is 6-12 months.. OUCH! So we immediately started our search for a Cho (Japanese House). I attended AOB-ICR (Class required for military members and spouses when moving to Japan) and got my license (didnt even have to do the driving portion since I had my license from Yokosuka still! Woot Woot!) We bought a mini van which made getting around easier since there are no base buses and the train system is not used down here like it is up in Yoko. Husband was working pretty much everyday, and me and the kids fought the jet lag while running from one errand to the next... the 3rd week here we had found a house, only to learn it would take 2 more weeks to move in, and about 8k up front! Yep, challenges... Again, hoping to dedicate another post about our house experience! We enrolled the kids in school and started shuffling them between main base and Hario Village (housing community about 30 mins from base where the Elementary School is located) while awaiting our move in date... Also during this time I was able to find a foster home for Harvey Boy so he would no longer have to finish out his quarantine at Paws and Claws. Yey!

Friday, Feb 2nd, couldnt get here fast enough! We packed up our belongings from our rooms, grabbed some muffins off the breakfast bar and headed to our new house! My stomach was in knots since our HHG shipment had arrived and was being delivered, and we honestly didnt know how it would fit or how little Japanese men would get anything up our tiny staircase, but by golly it went great! We had a few things damaged, the worst for me was a bag of dolls I handmade the girls had gotten wet during transit and molded, so we had to say goodbye to them... That was rough. But all in all its ok.

Sunrise the following morning we were saying bye to Dad. He already had to turn around and head TAD to Virginia Beach for 8 days... BUMMER. Upon his departure more challenges arose, of course, but I learned how to work my Japanese stove, my tiny washer and dryer, my toilet! We shopped and unpacked and set up the house. I made a Japanese friend who helped me translate, so the tub can get fixed and the internet set up, and we found a darling little farmers market about a mile away where the shop owner gives Story free tangerines everyday we stop in...

We will find our grove. The new rhythm of the everyday. Harvey will be home with us in just 8 more days. From here on out we are no longer in transit, we are home, we are settled. We are so ready to get out and explore Kyushu Island and travel as much as we can while here! Im starting today with a new affirmation, and a promise to myself to be present and live in every moment...

And to Blog more ;) So stay tuned... xoxox