Hannah Ash

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His first 24 hours back home with us...

I honestly cant even tell you the last time Iv smiled so much.... This past week has been absolute bliss.

Im a big believer in distance makes the heart grow fonder, and this deployment proved just that... After 8 1/2 years of marriage, 4 kids, countless deployments, and 2 moves overseas, our respect, devotion, appreciation, and love for each other is stronger then ever... Its like we are giddy and 24 again... Lets see if we can keep this up til the next one, since it feels right around the corner! Insert pouty face.

This "Welcome Home USS WASP" was unlike any we had experienced with the Blue Ridge... The gate security guard was like a flight attendant, directing us right over to the ship and welcoming us on!  Long story short, a Master Chief greeted and escorted us to the Mess Deck where Andrew met us! It was pretty surreal to see where Andrew lives and works when out at sea, and I think the appreciation, especially from our kids, now runs so much deeper...

We love you so much babe! For all you do for us, and I mean ALL of us...

Lets go home.... Cant get to the car fast enough!

His first meal home was home-made vegan pizza and brownies, per his request ;) But the next day we spent out exploring so we hit up our favorite Indian spot for curry! We love Bishnu here in Sasebo... The cooks always come and talk to us and invite the kids to watch them cook... The waitress who works there always has origami paper on hand for the kids, and their little folder samurai hats and animals are decorated throughout the small shelves throughout the entrance!

We also decided to visit Fujiyama Shrine to see the last of the Wisteria before it was gone for the season...

Story missed it all, she slept... Maybe a good thing tho since their were HUGE bumble bees everywhere, and she is going through a 'scream every time she sees a bug' phase!!

I have so much to share of this week, so stay tuned! Till next time.. xoxo