Hannah Ash

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Apple Picking//Maruyasuringo Orchards

We had been looking forward to this for what seemed like all Summer... Apple Picking!! I know from living in Japan before, that in Autumn a Pumpkin Patch is no-where to be found, however fruit farms are spread out all over Kyushu Island, and each Season brings new delicious fruits and veggies for the picking!

So a couple of weeks ago we took a little road trip.... It was about a 2 hour drive up to Maryyasuringo Orchards, but by golly it was a gorgeous journey... Rolling hills and mountains completely fluffy with Evergreens, Orchards tucked in neatly, with old Japanese homes spread across the newly harvested rice patty fields. I never get tired of driving in this part of Japan... Everywhere we go is just breath taking in its own individual way...

The kids are always up for these trips! They get so excited about the countryside, the roads less traveled... They love to pull over and get out the car, take it all in... Always staring out the windows with wide eyes yelling out "look over there Mom!!" Its so great...

Anyway, about the Orchard ;) First I must share that while researching where to go (and I ended up at the same one a Japanese friend of mine shared with me!!) I learned that almost all of the picking farms here in the area are Organic! They sell only to the prefecture and their produce is exceptionally fresh and amazing! The apples we picked were some of the best I have EVER had... We ended up coming home with 2 huge bags of them! We had so many since the girls wouldn't stop pulling them off the trees! The Farm stands were adorable, with baked goods and little photo stops. There is No English, however they will call a translator to help you with any questions (we learned this since they assumed I didn't understand the pricing! haha) But the farmers were soooooo nice and helpful! There are many different stops so you have a choice of what part of the orchard you would like to pick..

Autumn is so so so welcome for us, and this October has been beautiful... Cant wait to share some photos of the foliage soon!!

Till next time... xoxo