Hannah Ash

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Camping Trip- Isonaura Park

Ok, I went overboard with the pictures, AGAIN. But it was our first camping trip- yup, admitting it, out loud!

For months and months I have been wanting to do this with the kids, start our Camp Journey, thats what im calling it ;) Buuuut some health stuff got in the way, then Covid- Summer was sweltering- so the first NICE weekend of September I rented a tent, grabbed some sleeping bags, packed a ton of snacks, some good tunes(we brought along “Rebel Rebel” for Tea’s ‘Troop Zero’ Moment!), camera, and by chance my small weber grill for a fire- and just went…

It was a blast! Rye helped me set up the tent and find fire wood, Harvey ate sticks, Madi got some rest from the long school week she had- the girls ran free, giggling with glee-

We took a short hike, watched the sun set, roasted vegan dogs, and viewed the stars in a noise free sky… We used an app on my phone to find that Cassiopeia was just above us, Aquarius to the right. Rye and the girls told funny ghost stories, while Madi and I snuggled Harvey and stared at the moon.

We woke to a small rain shower, followed by golden light. All that could have topped it off was a hot cup of coffee (I HAVE to fix that problem for next time!!!) and Dear Husband.

We are hoping to definitely make this a more regular thing… I need this. Our family trips are always so special since the distractions of everyday life are stripped away and what we have left is each-other, laughter, play- Connecting to Nature, deeply connecting to each-other, and in moments ourselves-

Side note—- First time getting pictures of the stars! Im so hooked and cant wait to take more.
Till next time- xoxo