Hannah Ash

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My Bird.

I know, its so cliche when parents say this, but where does all the damn time go???? How has it already been 9 years since this child was brought EarthSide??

She is a constellation of a thousand stars, a unique being like no one other. Our Tea has changed our lives from the start, teaching us patience we never thought we could poses- her daily challenges, her triumphs, her not so great days, her melt-downs, her sweet emotions… They have all helped me find another side of Motherhood… We ask ourselves out loud, almost daily, “what is it like in this child’s mind??” She has many characters, voices, imaginary friends… They have helped her write and create over 100 books! She is amazed at the world beyond, what does Space have to offer?? Is she just on another plain as the rest of us?? Maybe.

I feel so blessed, this child is mine. Is ours.

Im late on the post, surprising I know! But here are a few shots from a quick trip up to Mt Eboshi, in her favorite new mustard yellow dress… We dont get many moments to spend alone with each of our children, so it was very special to capture just a Daddy and his girl. They have a bond I envy, they just understand each other….

I love you so very much Birdy, Happy 9th Year… xoxoxoxoxoxox