Hannah Ash

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Hike in the October Rain- Mt Etna Sicily

First weekend in October, and by golly I needed this-

I was sent a link to a park on the Northern side of Etna to check out- In late October/Early November the mountain explodes in Autumn colors, completely dressed to impress… So we thought we would get a jump and check out this spot! As always when heading to the Mountains, you need to prepare for anything- Yes, we had mapped this, took the best route, translated reviews and blog posts, but as the road turned to dirt and we parked and started trekking, it was of course different then we expected- Not at all in a bad way, just different.

From where we left the car to the forest line was about 1.5 miles- Oh the TREES! The pine… I cant get enough… We were greeted by cows, and a sudden down pour of rain- NONE of us were upset about that! Despite the chill, we were thrilled… The constant Sicilian Sun has become annoying and we are missing the cool and the rain- Ducking under branches, avoiding cow patties and rolling over rocks, we made it to an area that full of deciduous trees… Tucked away on the path, peaks of the Volcano’s summit in the background. The foliage here will be great, and a place for sure to hike again, when it isnt raining…

About the moment we finally turned around- We wanted to be sure we could get our car off the dirt road!

So may cows…. How cute is this babe???

Till next time- xoxoxo