Hannah Ash

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Rome, Italy- Day 2 & 3... Vatican & St Peter's Basilica

Vatican City-

Wow, we really really know what it feels like to be “shuffling through like penguins!”

Sure, its totally our fault for traveling to Rome on an Italian Holiday, the start of Christmas, but wow, the crowds were intense! We had tickets for a private tour of the Vatican, but so did everyone else—- Our Tour was sandwiched in with MANY others, so our experience was waddling through, shoulder to shoulder, trying not to loose our guide while also taking in some of the History we traveled to see… The kiddos did great under the circumstances, however I was on the verge of a panic attack! (just being transparent here! Plan accordingly—-) However, we had a treat when we broke away from the group and made it over to the Sistine Chapel- This was not as crowded, was so quiet, and we heard a bit of a sermon while we gazed upon those famous paintings by Michelangelo of the Renaissance Period…

The rain was a friend on this trip, as we were able to walk around freely outside, hear church bells, view architecture dating back over 500 years, experience what you see a bit in the movies and documentaries without many people at all…

We took the kids to lunch afterwards to a Vegan Burger Joint that had basically “Pretty Patties,” - like on Sponge Bob! They were stoked….

Day 2 ended with us walking through St Peter’s Square, wishing we could go into the Basilica, but the lines were like 3 hrs long……

Sooooooo on Day 3, we checked out at 7 am, loaded up our backpacks, threw on our rain coats and trekked out to try and be first in line—- Even at 7:30 Am, we were about 67th , but triumph! We climbed the 521 steps (Teagan doesnt do elevators so stairs the whole way!) to the top of the Dome, and we had it all to ourselves… Views of all of Rome. It was really special… The Church itself was my favorite moment… The walls, ceilings, and floors were so ornate, all mosaic tile and carvings and paintings and statues… It was nearly empty so early in the morning, with just a spreading of nuns and a few other tourists that had the same idea….

Soaked through and cold we decided one last little stop before the train to the airport— The Pantheon….

We owed the kids a gelato for being amazing while we dragged them all over the city in the rain, so this was a great stop!

All in all, Rome was great! I was so anxious about this one, but between the Christmas lights over cobblestones, the food, the History we are sharing with the kids, and the memories made, its another Win…

Till next time- xoxo