Hannah Ash

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Falling for Sicily.....

Welp, Im finally finding myself falling in Love here. It has taken some time, some healing, some surrender- Maybe it was the light rolling across the super green hills or the sounds of cow bells, maybe just Him holding My hand while we drove into the countryside. After 13 years he still knows how to make my stomach swarm with butterflies…..

I think he could sense just how much I NEEDED this, just an evening date- a cruise- windows down, Nahko and Satsung blaring through the speakers (our car has an awesome sound system! Bonus!) pulling the car over for me every time he saw my face light up and I jumped out the truck for another shot- I know it annoys him, but on this particular night, he let me BE.

Im not really 100% sure of where we ended up… I think its called Castello di Poira- We just did as we do and pull up Google Maps and see what is within an hour and GO. Lately we have just been driving up to Mr Barbosa (our Orange//lemon man) on the corner from Marinai and going West. Anything that way so far has been beautiful!

I was able to get a few panoramas, and some shots of the Full Moon! March is a Libra Moon, the Worm Moon, when worms come out for the Spring- The Seasonal Spring Solstice represents new growth and Balance… My golly have I needed that. I feel connected to that big beautiful rock out there, and on this night, where she was Full and Amber and Super Bright, I found myself incredibly happy. This move is a good one, I can completely allow myself to dive in and enjoy it….

The reality we keep finding in Sicily- Beautiful ruins in the middle of the countryside- pile of car seats right in the middle—- Im at the point of just shrugging my shoulders, and as everyone here keeps telling us, “trying to look past it…”

Just dying after seeing this!!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful Spring Solstice as much as I…. Till next time- xoxo