Plant Dye // Quilting


Plant Dye

Oh my golly, what can I even say on this matter!!! Have you ever dyed with Plants??? Ya’ll , its some serious M A G I C. I came across an amazing book by Abigail Booth called “The Wild Dyer” a few years ago, and that rabbit hole sucked me straight in! I immediately began collecting kitchen scraps and foraging for goodies on hikes to try and brew into a dye… From onion skins to Avo pits to nettle to flowers and acorns, I am always blown away by the shades I can create… My method has not been mastered by any means, but it makes me feel like a Witch in the kitchen, and the reward of the Natural shades from Mother Nature herself just blow my mind!

The fabrics I use are all 100% Natural//Organic—- Cotton, Linen and Muslin. You can find some of the shades in my Quilts down below…

Wild Flower Prints

Something new I have played with more recently, and my heart is singing! The colors that come from the Seasons wild blossoms just emote Nature- Every print is unique, and Im just so excited what pieces of linen come through this Spring!



Im still new to this, but boy oh boy, have I found a L O V E. Making quilts is such a technical form, and Im not to great with technical… I have found, like with everything I do, a very organic approach…. This started out as a project to use up scrap materials from Dolls, and wove into an Art form I want to REALLY grow with! Piecing strips of material together, Sashiko hand stitching, trying to make patterns (recommend some good books please!!!) adding fringe (because it goes with everything right??) it all just makes me giddy! I havent done a traditional bed Quilt as of yet (one for my eldest daughter is in the works) but below are a few throws… -xoxo