My Life. Well it is filled with characters, beauty, chaos, laughter, children, the everyday "norm" and yet, unexpected....

Ill try not to make this too boring…

I have an incredible man who made me his partner in life one day in an old garden... I am honestly infatuated with him... From his soul to his blue eyes, to the way he fathers all of my children... I wont go into how awesome it is to be married to your best friend—- Ill sound like a damn after school special!

I am a Mother. Of a CREW. I love everything about being a mom... I feel like it was my calling in life... Im not perfect at it, by any means, but we are all a team, they are my greatest teachers, and they drive me to be a better woman and role model for them everyday. I have always dreamed of a big family... One that fills our home with a beautiful energy, where there is love and shouting and laughter around every corner and silence is almost non-existent... May sound a little strange, but I just cant get enough of the natural chaos that is my little family. This role comes with a primal love, something you feel through every fiber of yourself... Un-explainable.

I love stories... when people share their journey through text of conversation or images or art. I love books, being lost in someone else’s world, or encouraged by their experiences and words. I love photography...I love textiles… I have dove farther and farther down that rabbit hole these last few years, and Im finding a creative side I didn’t even know was there. Elizabeth Gilbert says sometimes it just smacks you in the face, so true. Coffee- The smell of it on early mornings as light peeks through the window shades. Then there is Gaia… Over the last few years we have had this amazing opportunity to live in the Countryside of Kyushu, and now in Sicily… I grew up by the beach, but have now found this crazy pull, attraction, need for the Mountains. Hiking has become a passion, and my bucket list of places to see has grown ridiculously long! The trees, the elements, nature all around me. Finding my way off the beaten path has changed me somehow… I love yoga. I love the color green. I love the moon. i love the wild flowers. And I love love love Birds.


We are currently living in Sicily, after saying farewell to our beloved Japan, which felt like home more then I ever imagined it could…. Between the People and the Landscape, Im whole-heartedly in love. Europe is different, its new, yet I know through this surrender and transition I will fall just as hard, my heart will open and flood.

So here is my little corner of the internet where I can share our story, some of my favorite moments, travels and milestones, and our Journey through Homeschooling... Im adding personal projects as well, its my hub! I hope you stay tuned….