Maybe it has been in me since the beginning… Maybe I just couldnt see it, or I had a misunderstood idea of what this calling was. Maybe it was that our lives were so busy, decisions we made were the “norm”, or that I questioned the confidence in myself. …

But somehow, here we are- I found my path, our path, one step at a time. Now that we are 4 years in, moving into the 5th, I want to really start sharing our Journey- This winding road we are walking on- Homeschool

Welcome to this space, Im so glad your here <3


The house above is my ancestors school house. In the 1860’s the ross family began to migrate from the isle of skye, through canada, then down into northern maine. Much of my father’s side of the family still lives and farms and thrives in that area of the country! This schoolhouse was built by those ancestors, where 12 of their children were taught, along with many others. It still stands as a historical place in the community- Houlton, Maine-

I took this photo when my dad brought me out there, following my Grandfathers funeral in 2017. We drove along Dusty roads in the countryside, my dad telling me stories from the past, pointing out sites and secret spots that held memories from his youth, and shared about roots I didn’t know I really had. Looking back, I can remember how this place somehow felt familiar. Like it would be significant somehow to my future. Maybe that’s why it’s been printed and framed on my wall for so long?? Inspiring me to ask the question, is this your calling?? Whatever it is, I hear the song.


Homeschool was a bit thrust upon me, happened in a split second decision the summer before our 3rd child, Birdy, would be entering 3rd grade. ( I feel like many mothers have a similar story!- Wasn’t the plan, yet here we are! Yey!) We were getting ready to do “back to school shopping” when I found her in a near panic attack… her gentle, sweet voice choking through tears that she just couldn’t go back to school. I didn’t even question it. It wasn’t the education, it wasn’t the teachers (they were lovely) it wasn’t the school…. it was just her. Her tiny little sweet soul… She just couldn’t handle it.

All of us have unique gifts of how we parent our children… tuning into how they tick, how they are comforted, what will make them laugh, where their fears lie. With a sensitive child I have learned to listen with different ears, to be patient on a whole new level, and how to jive to a totally new radio station…. It was a ‘mama gut’ instinct that just knew, in that moment on the floor, wrapped around her like a pretzel, homeschool would be right.

I didn’t have an idea of what it would look like, or where to start. It was brand new water to tread, but the urge to dive was present. I felt bold and terrified in my choice, but she relaxed in my arms, we took a deep breath, and have created a beautiful home learning environment, suited just right for my girls...

In this space I hope to share a bit about it—- Some of the hardships, the triumphs… the growth along the way! resources we have used, the milestones we have accomplished, and how we are navigating yet another year in a new Home and in a new place… -Welcome-


I hope you stick around- find something through this space, reach out and share your wisdom with me- We all need support through this chapter, we got this… in it together!

Combining this picture taking with some thoughts- Join me with a cup of coffee!

 This is not a Blog where you will find any kind of perfectionism, opinions, consistency, or even clean bright pretty pictures! (Im pretty bad at all of that!) But I will try to share this beautiful way of embracing these childhood years, and how that looks for us… A bit of our method- open minded and honest. Every homeschool is unique and true in it’s own organic way- an evolving rhythm through the freedom of learning… If you would like to follow along with these blog posts, click here

Much Love- xoxo