Hannah Ash

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Road Trip to Maine...

Our first cross country road trip...

It was completely spontaneous, yet 100% overdue. I have not been back to Maine to see my Dad and extended family in 10 years... They are so far North, up in Narnia as I always say, which is no excuse, but life gets in the way and the journey seemed a stretch... But when we received our new PCS orders (that'll be another post!) it was just the kick in the pants I needed to say "Hubby, its now or never!" So within 24 hrs we had our trip planned, and a couple days later we hit the road in our rental van...

26 hours of driving, 15 states, and 4 very excited kids later we crossed into the land I couldnt wait to show them... Moosehead Lake, Maine. A part of my childhood, another of my scattered homes.

We rented the most darling little rustic cabin from friends of my Dads... It had loft rooms with ladders to climb for the kids (which they thought was just the most awesome thing ever!) a huge wooden deck, a dock to jump off of, and even a canoe and kayak... We enjoyed every second of being there... The coolness in the air, everything smelling like wildflowers and fir trees... The morning sounds of loons on the lake, wearing socks and sweaters to bed.

Here are some of the highlights of our amazing trip... Memories that will stick for a lifetime.

That moment Dad threw Madi in the lake, while she was wearing her glasses, and had to jump in after them!

Natures playground.... This lifestyle fits us!

My cousin, Mark, runs a Marina in Rockwood... He took us out on an afternoon sunset tour of the Lake and Mt Kineo... He let all the kids drive the boat, which was brave on his part! We stopped off at Pebble Beach, where I found the rope swing irresistible, (as did the kids after they saw me acting like a fool!) and Mark showed us the Native American head nature has formed and painted right into the side of the mountain.

Story was STOKED about the boat ride!

Madi learned more about the line of artists she comes from... Her Great Grandmother gave her a whole set of oil paints. Madi was completely inspired upon seeing the paintings her GGrandma has dreamed up over the years... Her 1st piece turned out incredible, a little doe in the wood.

We could live this Nomad Life...

Our wonderful hosts.... Thank you for this <3

Greenville, you were good to us... Your now not only a part of me, but a part of my husband, of my children... We dug some roots. We filled our souls with nature and pine and family. We will be back, hopefully soon. <3
