Hannah Ash

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July in Karatsu...

Karatsu. A place we found some unexpected treasures.

This Summer was, well as my husband would say, MELTY! I wanted, on this incredibly hot July day, to be out on the water... So leave it up to Mr Google to find us a town to explore!

We had every intention of visiting Karatsu Castle, but found it under repair when we arrived, so it will give us a reason to go back... We did however find a playground of dragonflies and open fields after trekking through the woods a bit, which led us to the coast, Nanatsugama-- the Karatsu erosion caves.... And all I can say was WOW- So so beautiful...

Its just another spot here in Japan that felt so spiritual and sacred, that yelled out at you, this is the world!!! Open your eyes and take it all in!

There were small statues along the path leading out to the coast... The water was so clear and bright shades of aqua... Limestone cliffs etched out in almost geometric patterns, like the sea was just creating art. Totally worth the sweat of the summer to see this place, and we already have plans to return in the Fall.

We also visited Marinepal Yobukocho Marina, where we took a quick, and very expensive, private boat ride on Zeela, the glass bottom pink flower dolphin boat??!!

Our family doesn't do zoos or aquariums, however we love animals and seeing them in their natural state! This boat ride took us out a ways to a tiny island, and along the way we were able to see so many fish!

The Marina also has a short cruise over to the caves so you can see them from sea level... We may do that another time... :)

Karatsu is also known for their hand crafted pottery.... On the way home we stopped into a small shop that was calling out to me! Andrew and I met the artists wife who showed us some amazing pottery, and some photos of her husband creating them! I picked out a small bowl with gorgeous jewel toned glaze... Ill update this post with a photo soon! And Ill take a photo of the shop when we go back... With a lot more Yen!

Till next time... xoxo