Hannah Ash

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Sasebo to Sigonella- We made it!

*First, Ill apologize…. I have like no photos of the teens, as they were hold up in their own hotel room, sleep and phones kept them occupied! Andrew and I literally spent this time keeping Bean and Bird as happy as we could, for our own sanity sake ;)

Ok so, here are some random shots of our Journey around the World to our new Home! And a bit of the Tale we lived to Tell.. We left Sasebo Japan in late January- Having to spend the last week or so there “shelter in place” as covid cases were popping up around the ship Husband had been attached to before we left… It took so so much to get our itinerary in hand that we didnt want to risk anything getting in our way to make that first flight, so being locked back down was just fine. We left around 6 am from the Lodge on a Tuesday as Dear Harvey had an earlier flight then we did out of FUK. Moving a large dog through multiple countries during a pandemic was probably our biggest hurdle- But we had an amazing lady help us get him safely to Tokyo and ready for his big first flight across the Ocean! (If you are in the Sasebo area and need help moving your dog, message me and ill give you some details ;)) It was almost eerie to see how empty the Airports were…. Nothing open, the shops or restaurants, we could hardly even find a cup of coffee…. Lots of down time to walk around and stretch our legs before our first 2pm flight.

Our path took us on quite a ride- We flew from Fukuoka to Tokyo to LA to Dallas to Baltimore to Rota to Belgium to Sigonella. And we almost didnt make it. Arriving in LA after already 28 hrs of no sleep and travel, we were ultimately stopped. The American Airlines ticket counter would not put our Dog on the plane. Even the Manager didnt seem to understand the clause that he could fly attached to Military PCS orders (at this time during the pandemic, no large dogs can be put in cargo- apparently covid effects this??? I have no damn idea why.) Then after WE cleared that up she claimed it would be too cold when we landed in Baltimore to put him in cargo, although we later found out from the Captain of the next flight that is 100% allowed as all newer planes are temp controlled to 70 something degrees for animals… After 2.5 hrs of listening to seriously bad attituded people, who didnt know their job well and cancelled our connecting tickets in Dallas, we got on a plane anyway. The flight to Dallas was stomach turning- Andrew and I were trying to figure out how we could make it to that ONLY AMC flight in Baltimore (the next one not being till March, and it was the ONLY way to get Harvey into Italy as the country had a blanket embargo not allowing any pet movement into the country!) We tried to figure out if we could drive, nope. Exhausted and we would never make it. Other flights? Nope. Only option was to split up- he go on ahead to check into his command- me, the 4 kids and dog stay behind in a hotel, renting a car and driving to Grandpas in GA to plop down till the next flight in March. It was looking bleak. Really bleak.

But an Angel came our way…. A Darling sweet Attendant rescued us…. On that flight to Dallas, the whole crew was Texan. HOLY COW. They were AMAZING. We told her our troubles as she sat in the spare seat next to me, which she relayed to the Pilot- He was ex Military and found it appalling how we had been treated and so badly informed. There was hope, Dallas Airport was all over it. From the second we rushed off the plane (our next flight being in only 45 mins) staff helped us gather luggage, re-route and book our tickets, personally escort us to the next terminal, get us some food, and take Andrew down to Harvey to load him on the next flight- It was incredible! Screw LA, Im moving to Texas!!! The hospitality of every person within that plane through the airport was just incredible….

Needless to say, flying to Maryland was the biggest relief. We would arrive by Midnight, which meant hanging in the terminal with the dog till the next day, but we were there- we would make it to Sicily! And there was COFFEE! The rest went mostly as planned- Boarded our AMC flight after yet another negative covid test for everyone and getting Harvey resettled- The only thing we didnt expect was the layover in Belgium! It wasnt on the agenda, but thats the military for ya- The layover was hours, yet flying over the Alps with the sunrise was AH-MAZING- And after a whopping 62+ hrs of travel, we made it.

Picked up by Andrews new Chief crew, they settled us into the lodge, welcomed us with food and wine, we could breath. Now just 2 weeks of Quarantine.

Tears are an understatement as I honestly took the longest hot shower of my life, beyond thankful we all made it. MY DOG made it. The journey was done, at least this leg of it… This move has taken more out of me then I expected- Testing every corner of my being. With every hurdle and curve ball Andrew and I have somehow made it through. Extreme perseverance and proactive attitude ( that sound cliche but so true!) is what landed us here. This move is hard on any Military family- 14,300 miles in 3 days, add the pandemic and it was not peaches in the shade…. But its the Life. Right?

Shadow puppets on Transit Van walls- On the way to FUK… Watching one last Japanese Sunrise- saying goodbye to a place I love.

Bye Bye Fuji….

Gooooosh, the European Alps. MAGIC.

Keeping entertained with a deck of cards and loooots of fruit!

Views from our window at the lodge.

First shot of Etna, on our way to the new house in Marinai!

Still trying to settle- small things like a few plants and getting tea some skates has helped! Our cul-de-sac is great, the neighbors are nice and the kids have already made friends… And now that my computer has arrived I can finally start sharing what we have been up to! Stay tuned for my next post—- We have done a few pretty hikes! -xoxo