Hannah Ash

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A Love Letter to Georgia--- Going Home this Summer.

This week has been a real emotional roller-coaster.

I have put this off since we have been back from vacation last August…. Not even being able to look at the photos or footage I shot- embraces and laughter shared still so fresh, the tears shed having to come back to Sicily, to leave our loved ones who we miss intensely…. The decisions and choices we have moving with the Navy have layers of reasoning, yet all of us dont want to be here right now. At all. We want to be with you.

The past few years we have been feeling a calling, Andrew and I both, stronger and stronger. This time abroad has not been without immense challenge, without heartache. We have been forced on a deep level to take a hard look at what we want this chapter of our loves to provide for the next- The purpose of all of this. This Summer we found some answers, and a clear direction to work towards. Where once we felt very lost in this Life- moving from country to country, so far from Home, from Family, who we love and dearly miss- now has allowed the vision of our future Post Navy to become clearer to us, and we know exactly where we long to be.

Its so hard to be another Ocean away from you, but the memories made this Summer are held strong in our hearts, and will get us through until we can make it back again.

I didnt realize while in Georgia, that I didnt take many photos…. I did however try to get video, to make the ‘Home Movie’ above. Jet lag allowed me to get up and walk with my camera around the land before the Sun. To hear the birds, the crickets, the Rooster. To visit the cows, walk barefoot in the grass, to visit the Garden, to cry. I didnt know until we arrived how badly I needed to just be here. Something about the still, the silence. The fire within me to create a Slower Life, in the country, its burning. We have another 7 somewhat years in the Navy, but its something we look forward to- Working the land, dirt between our fingers, living among the trees. To have a porch and be able to paint the walls, where our children can feel the comfort we all feel when we come Here. So I guess the video ended up being “A Love letter to Georgia”… One Im sure will be watched in our house often.

For Andrew, this place is everything- full of memories. Built by the most important man in his life. Every room, every nook, every photo on the wall fills you with warmth. You can feel the presence of those no longer with us , like a warm embrace. For the last 13 years I have been able to be a part of it…. A place that has never been my Home, yet feels like Home. Grandpa, please know just how much you mean to us. We love you and think of you and miss you every single day.

Another part of our Summer trip was visiting with my Mom and Brother…. Oh my heart. I am so so so happy they were able to drive across states for just a short visit, I needed it so damn bad. These past 4 years she has helped me through so much- every deployment, every Mama breakdown, every challenge, the loss of people I Love. Talking on the phone is great and all, but I have never been away from her for so long. I hate it. I know she does too. The kids and I miss you so much Mom.

Thank you thank you to my Aunt and Uncle for coming to see us!!! It was such a wonderful visit, again cut way to short… We have to fix this somehow… We love you…

About 30 minutes from Grandpas house is the town of Senoia. Pretty cool to take a drive through, especially for Andrew and the teens, as its the set for “the Walking Dead”. We even got to watch a tiny clip being filmed- I was WAY more excited that “Fried Green Tomatoes” was filmed here! Its one of my favorite movies…

Thank you Susan for making so much fun for all the Grand babes on this trip- This country lifestyle fits them so well, they yearn to come back, and all want to call Georgia their Home. We will try very hard to make this happen…

Each moment of this trip is etched on my soul- From my Mother’s hugs to Grandpas smile, and all the moments in between. Swimming with Nana for the littles, goofing with Uncle Adam. Andrew learning the tractor (he LOVED this), the kids catching frogs. Spotting deer and rabbit, visiting Dicky’s, walking the land with Tip at my heal. Planting a couple of trees, some flowers for Donna- Going through old family photos, stories and more stories shared. Trying pickled peaches (surprisingly not bad!) Rocking and napping on the porch, watching the humming birds. And the stars, oh how I forgot how bright the stars are.

Just Being Together. Time we all cherish.

Thank you Susan also for gifting me some of Grandma Fayes jumpers… This one is 60+ years old- Linen. She was tiny, its a bit small, but I know I can use the fabric to honor her in some beautiful way in time.

And thank you Grandpa for these photos. They will find a perfect spot on the wall. They are just incredible.

Its a bit lost upon us how much longer we will have here, where we will be after this Duty Station, yet we know it will be stateside- Im counting down the years, then we can move to months, before we know it, weeks- But we will visit again soon- Because we cant stay away again. I dont care what the world tries to throw in our direction- So much Love and hugs to all of you.

Till next time- xoxox