Hannah Ash

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Saying Farewell to Mt Etna..... Last Date Night Drive

We have less then 4 weeks left in Sicily.

I would be lying if I didnt say I was ready to go—- BUT, I am honestly going to miss this right here- this mountain. My Etna.

I know I have stated it in many posts here on this Blog, but she has been my saving grace here on the Island. Andrew and I have hiked so so so many trails, multiple times- we have trekked with the kids, explored her very vast landscape, visited through every Season- She has been there for me when I need to escape away for a drive- from the chaos it is to live here, the kids on occasion, the house- for self love, for solace.

She greets me from a distance on my early sunrise walks, she lifts my whole spirit to watch her change colors in the light……….

Sicily has not been my favorite place to live, but I am so thankful for this chapter, as somewhere in these last 3 years, I have begun to find myself. Its taking a lot of work, and a lot of soul searching- … some serious un-earthing of buried deep down issues, a bunch of acceptance and surrender, and just the exploration of growth and change… I have shed so much of what no longer serves me, discovered what Im passionate about outside the kids, embraced the “skin horse” I feel I am (Velveteen Rabbit—- I so relate here)

I dont think I would be the person I am if it wasnt for this place to be part of my Story- I needed the journey to take me here, to push me through some tough shit, to show me a deeper connection and love for Mountains. To challenge me to my core, help me let go, so i could let in.

Last night i took my older 2 girls with me on my Birthday Drive- I will be 39 in a couple of weeks, and although I wanted to go alone, My last farewell to this place I feel so connected to, I asked Madi and Bird to tag along—-

We had a PERFECT evening- Arriving just as the sun was setting, the temp dropping in the 40’s. The wind was fierce at Piano Vetore, but the light was like stretched bands of taffy in the sky- At first, we didnt even notice the cold-

BUUUUUUUUUUUT, then our fingers began to go numb, so into the car for music and heat to wait for the stars to come out….

Etna blessed us with some surprises- first, she started spewing lava. It was AMAZING to see from there- like fireworks from the dragons mouth….. Then, a perfectly clear sky- The stars were so crystal and bright! And driving back home, we saw our 1st Owl since being here…..

Total treat….

Thank you Etna. Thank you for the trips and connection we have had with the kids. Thank you for the day dates for Me + Him. Thank you for the beauty, the tears, the sometimes extreme challenges, the Seasons, the snow, and the wild flowers. Thank you for bringing me into deeper presence, and love for the Mountains.

I feel like Im saying Goodbye to a friend in a way…. You will be missed. -xoxo