Our Story is turning 7--- New Sewn Dress by Mama


This little darling, spicy, sour, bubbly, loud, adorable being of ours is turning 7. My heart cant take this!

She is my side-kick through and through, and I’m holding on and savoring these days with every part of my SOUL. It all goes by so fast……

Our Miss Astoria Moon—— Year 6 brought on so much for this Gal! She fell in LOVE with Gymnastics, and has a total talent for it! Took off on a reading Journey, diving into books head first…. She made so many new friends, started to try new things, be bold/less shy- became obsessed with “Decedents” and Katy Perry songs- and has found a love for animals, maybe wanting to be a Vet someday! She is just maturing soooooo fast, its such a blessing to be her Ma.

This year for her Birthday she wanted the simple things…. Another home-made dress by me, a small party with her friends here on the Block, and a day trip with her family at the Beach… Im working on the later 2, but the dress is done ;) Going to the fabric store and watching her light up like a star looking at all the “Pretty Fabrics” is always so fun- she choose this turqoise and a sparkle teulle to match, costing me only about 6Euro, and I immediately came home and sewed up a simple smock! This one was fun for me as I tried a cute little cap sleeve- She instantly tried it on, danced around the house and showed off just how cute she looked… Then asked if we could go take pictures! (I mean, girl. after. my. heart.) So we did…………………. In like 6 mins, it was really cold!


I cant get enough of Her. My tiny dancer, my girly girl… Wish I could hold onto this age for a while longer-

I really do hope she has a lovely Birthday, and Im so excited to see what year 7 around the Sun will bring for her <3 Love you so much Bean! -xoxo