Hannah Ash

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Last Days of Summer//Back to Homeschool

These last days of August- just magic.

Yesterday morning, the girls and I stepped out early, just as the sun was coming up, and could feel Autumn in the wind- there was a crisp we havent felt in so long, a freshness we have longed for. Throwing on flip flops and grabbing bikes, we took advantage of this change in the weather- Put school on the morning back-burner, and cruised around the neighborhood…. every little piece of nature around us seemed to be uplifted by the break in the heat- The birds were in their loudest song, mount etna was clear as day in the distance (having lost her sheild of hot haze), the dandilions and trees swayed toward the sky- like i said, magic.

The past few weeks have been a whirl of craze… we have been prepping for our pack out, closed on our first home, and started homeschooling, easing out of the summer rhythm…. I cant believe this is our 4th year with the girls at home, birdy in 7th and bean in 2nd. My heart is so full to have them for another year here with me!

Another year of embracing childhood- I had been putting off our “back to school” photo, as I wanted the moment to just come to me- that image of them exactly as they are, searing into my mind so i can hold it forever. and yesterday morning, while zooming through the wind on our bikes, it hit me. this was it. right here. nothing fancy, just them in play. in childhoood. the field by our house- one we visit often with blankets and piles of books, to gaze at clouds or stars- was a perfect setting. It would take me back to these simple days of bare feet, cartwheels in the grass, rolling down the hill, leaves in long hair- arms outstretched and twirling like faries.

I honestly dont know what this homeschooling year is going to look like for us, we have so much on the horizon, but there will be play, and youth, and wonder, and joy. there will be books and art and music. there will be dancing and laughter and more and more snuggles.

My heart is full- Here is to another beautiful year- xoxo