Our Moon Child is 8. Be still my heart.

I dont really look forward to Birthdays, dont hate me, its justttttt——

I know the kids do… They count down the months, weeks, and days, all excitement and joy of celebrating and cake and presents! all I think about is ONE-YEAR-OLDER.

How does it go by so fast?? How is that I remember every detail of them as a newborn, the amazing toddler moments, the curls and new freckles and belly laughs?? The major and minor moments through time, embedded in my soul—- And now here they are- little people.

Our Bean is 8 today——- HOW? She is my littlest, this isnt fair- Time is cruel. Grrrr.

As the baby of the family, she has been a constant entertainer and lover and goofball and best hugger… I honestly feel her adoration by all—- A girly girl through and through- pink//Taylor Swift//fashionista- with a true hunger for all things gymnastics while blaring music in our home. … She is motherly and kind, yet sour and super sarcastic (ahem, DAD.) Shy, then a best friend, with a gifted connection to Animals….

My best Pal, my squishy bean… The chaser of Birds, the dancer in the sand- I could go on and on-

May she stay this way forever <3 Happiest of Birthdays my darling Moon Child! You have made the world so special and beautiful…