Hannah Ash

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Nagasaki//Peace Park & Mt. Inasa

What to do on a rainy day in Japan???

Head to Nagasaki.... There is always somewhere to explore.

This particular trip we wanted to visit the Peace Park. Andrew has been once before when we last lived in Japan, and the Blue Ridge took a tour down to Sasebo... But it was definitely on my radar, and somewhere I wanted to share with the kids.

The overall feeling you get here is, well, Peace. Its very emotional, very powerful. The people greeted us and smiled politely as we passed, waving to the kids, making us feel welcome... We took our time walking through the park, reading plaques that brought me tears, the history, the brutality, the devastation, on both sides... The way this country has rebuilt herself and risen from the ashes... The individual statues that have been donated to the park are a piece of art in their own. They are poetic and incredibly moving. The largest of the statues is made in bronze... he is a symbol of the divine love and mercy of Buddha. The raised right hand points to the heavens to signify the threat of atomic weapons while the left arm is raised horizontally to represent the wish for peace. The figure's eyes are lightly closed in prayer for the souls of the atomic bomb victims."

The park was built as a wish for world peace, and a vow that such a tragic war would never be repeated...

We walked down to the actual Atomic Bomb blast as well... Along the way you can read about the victims, how some survived, digging tunnels through the earth for shelter, and how many, many suffered, only resulting in ash.

Its a beautifully created, devastating park... 

Fountain of Peace, which was built in remembrance of a little girl who wandered in search of water....

These were my favorite statues... Andrew took the kids for a walk and I was able to soak it all in....

A mother shielding her child...

We then walked around Nagasaki for a bit, and found our way over to Mt Inasa... We knew there was a cable car up the Mountain and it would be a nice contrast to see the beauty of the surrounding mountains and an overlook of Nagasaki City...

LOVE the fashion here!

Below is a short video of a local school singing at the Peace Park... Yep, I cried again... they were so sweet...

If you come visit Southern Japan, please go here! Its such a piece of not only Japans history, but ours as well....

Till next time.. xoxo