Hannah Ash

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Takeo//Sakura Season

Um Wow. The Sakura this year is sooooooo stunning…

This past week we kicked off Spring Break with a trip out to Takeo… Mifuneyama Ruken. We have been to the gorgeous park in Autumn to see the crazy fire colors of the Japanese Maples (there is another post of that), but this go round the hills were blanketed in blush pink and white blossoms… It was beyond yummy!

The park has trails running up through the hills that sit at the base of a mountain, and at night they light up the trees! Next time we go we will have to experience that ;) The older Japanese ladies visiting that day greeted us, and patted Story’s head for luck, and exchanged huge smiles and softly shouted “Kawaii” (cute) as we walked by… We love the people here… They are always so so kind.

Poor Riley is allergic to all things Spring, but he hung in there for his sisters, who ran and twirled and rolled in the petals… They called it a Fairy Land, snowing down softness… Teagan outstretched her arms and flew like a bird in red kicks, and didn’t want to leave, and dear Story filled her tiny little hands with with the “Snow flakes” and threw them into the air, over and over again…

After the park we drove around the area and enjoyed vast views of the area, found a playground at the top of a mountain, and came home watching the sun settle down… It was a perfect day… Well almost… Hubby we miss you!! Cant wait until you are here to explore with us again <3