Reclining Buddha...... Zen Temple.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Nonzo-in Temple. Fukuoka Japan….

How many Buddha’s can we visit here??? Not enough! Taking a trip up to the giant Bronze reclining Buddha has been on my list for some time, so a drive to Fuk last Spring was on the agenda! We rode up the weekend before Andrew deployed, hoping to catch some early Sakura along the way, yet the blossoms were hiding still this far north… I think we saw ONE when we went over to the Fukuoka Castle Ruins at the end of the day, which is said to be one of the most incredible places to view the flowers! O well.. Maybe next year??

Im always impressed with the amazing statues and temples here on this side of the world… The dedication and time and patience and art put into each piece of tranquility or story or place of worship, its like nothing I have ever seen… Shaka Nehan, translating to “Nirvana” depicts Buddha in his moment of death, his entrance into the state of Nirvana… He is surrounded by a small Buddhist Temple which we hiked around, hundreds of small stone hand carved statues, some underground prayer sanctuaries, and guardian gods… Its a place Buddhists all over the world gather for Karmic Cleansing and prayer… You could feel its sacred energy.

I am so so grateful to be able to visit places like this, to see these wonders and have the appreciation for them, their history, their symbology…. Buddhism is a practice I spiritually relate to, taking Karma and my lifes control into my own hands… The time we have spent here in Japan has transformed me… I am forever grateful…

Till next time.. xoxo