One More Deployment Down..... He's Home.

We are Whole again….

After yet another Deployment since being here in Japan, he is home….

This week has been a ball of chaos…. We have had our fair share of ups and downs with this deployment, and Dear Husband making CPO Select has thrown it all outa whack! In the midst of the Chief Select Season, he had to change ships, while on Sea Duty, then watch his return home date become extended… But he is a Rock-Star, and this is how he does… Me on the other hand?? Well my heart just aches… This hasn’t been our longest deployment, but in the middle of any of them, they all feel the same…. The yearning, the feeling of missing a limb, a piece of your soul, or like your lost in the world because He is your Home, and He is not by your side…

This Homecoming was different for us, this was not his ship, we hadn’t talked outside of emails in over a week, and the return date changed multiple times…. But some aspects were the same as every other Iv attended… Wives dolled up, hand made Welcome Home signs, Kids waving at the Ship to every guy in uniform that steps out on deck while Tug Boats are still pushing her into port for tie down, “Is that Dad???” … then as the heat wears on, the time slows to sloth pace, the anxiety builds, everything starts breaking down around the pier…. as each member trickles off the ship, its a rise of excitement followed by, “Thats not Dad, MOM when is he coming off!!?” Patience is not always easy, especially after months and months of being apart…

But after the wait, comes the fabulous moment… the babes running as fast as they can, knocking him over, then that embrace, that kiss, those tears… Home. Its a feeling that washes strait through the blood stream, tingling ocitocin, everything is Ok again, everything is right again. We are Whole again.

Welcome Home Dear Husband….. Lets make the best of every moment your here with us.. xoxo

Our LifeHannah LewisComment