Hiking Serra Delle Concazze- Mt Etna

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” - John Muir

Man Im so excited to read his books….. Some of his quotes dig deep into my soul and make me want to cry… How did it take so long for me to discover this extreme love of the Mountains?? And Im just barely scratching the surface…. Florida Girl problems ;)

This past weekend Andrew and I got up about 5:30, had a quick cuppa coffee, packed a bag and ran out the door…. An hour and fifteen minutes later we were Here. Serra Delle Concazze. The weather was fabulous, a good 15 degrees cooler then the Valley (yey for the elevation!!!) so a break from this Sicilian Heat! The hike we took started in the woods, the white Birch and Pine and Spanish Broom (its covering Etna this month!!! Another post is coming where it really shows…)… The early morning sun followed us as we found a clearing to view the coastline… This hike was a bit more challenging, Im glad we didnt bring the kids! But perfect level for me right now. Another 2 miles vertical, over boulders, up and down lava rock (which is like climbing sand… This seems to be a trend on this Mt!) taking breaks to guzzle water and enjoy the breeze… Finally making it to the Summit of this hike was un-real… Aside from climbing Mt Fuji 7 years ago, we had never been so close to a Volcanoes’ Crater! Its pretty awesome… we cant wait to do the guided tour up to the tippy top when the weather cools….

If your in the area, this is a great one friends…. Have good hiking boots, and maybe Gators??? We emptied our shoes on the way down like 20x! haha

Till next time… xoxo
