Happy 13 to Us...... And such a heartfelt gift.

13 Years… I dont know why it seems like so much longer, in a good way—-??? haha I honestly barely remember what it felt like to NOT have him by my side in life… Maybe I just dont want to remember.

He is my best friend- and I guess after 13 years of marriage I can say I do have at least that much wisdom, the friendship is the most important part- I wont go into anything else on that subject, but its a blessing to be partnered in life with my true companion…

So this Anniversary we decided to take it a little more serious- more consciously- Life has been hectic this last year and somewhere along the way we got a little lost- Those ups and downs of the WORK of a partnership are real! So we planned a fancy date night, time for just the two of us, and actually exchanged gifts! (I bought his months before, thanks Mom for the help!)

Andrew has a mild obsession with “The Big Lebowski”… I mean, what man from our generation doesnt?? Ill admit, fantastic movie- Its quoted in our house often, hubby has a ton of t-shirts, and I think Iv seen it with him like 100x since our maybe 3rd date ;) So this year I tracked down the sweater Jeff Bridges wears- from the original shop who made it in 1972- So cool! He loves it, thank goodness…

We had to do a few photos—- I really thought I won best gift this year! I was wrong….

For Andrews Gift to me, well here we go…..

He tells me he had this idea of an old film camera- he hears me talk about them, and always peep them out in op shops and antiques stores and markets- so he called up his GrandFather to ask if he had any suggestions, as GPa has a love for old cameras, so who better to ask?

2 Summers ago we went home to Georgia… Being back at Grandpas was more overwhelming for us both then I can describe. It is HOME to our family, more than anywhere in the whole world. Aubrey’s hands have touched every part of that place- from the nails holding the house together, to the fauna growing around it- His heart and soul is actually tangible in the fibers and wood and grass and grit that make up McEachern Place. On our visit we took a trip down memory lane… We went through boxes of old family photos, stories being told after the kids went to bed, and Grandpa pulled out some treasures- a couple of Cameras he has had for about 7 decades. A Voightlander Bessa and a Kodak Retina. I had so much fun listening to him tell me about these Cameras, what he remembered about them, opening them up, fiddling with the mechanics- He honestly looked like a kid in a candy store, it was a true moment for me…. One I will always treasure. The photo below was a gift from that trip- GPa holding this Voitlander in his hands, circa 1952 when stationed in Germany- It sits on the shelf over my computer- one of the favorite photos in my house, I look at it everyday.

For our Anniversary, Aubrey sent the cameras. For me.

Im bawling writing this out as I cant even put into words what this meant to me. This man has taken me in like a Granddaughter, and I love him dearly. When I opened the box our Anniversary morning, I honestly hit the floor. It wasnt about the cameras, but the heart behind it. The man who documented part of his story and Life with these tools. Im greatful beyond words.

Tomorrow is his 93rd Birthday… I wish more then anything we were piled up in the car (or I guess in a plane these days) on our way to celebrate with Him and Family. We ache to be there… Everyday.

Thank you Aubrey, thank you with my whole heart.

Now to really get into it and see if they work, or what repairs they may need, so I can continue to document a bit of our Family Story- It started with Him, but Ill be sure it continues with me.

Much Much Love- Till next time… xoxoxo