Where the Wild Things Are.... - Freedom of Childhood

Some of my most treasured pastimes I want to forever hold onto, is just sitting back and watching my children be Wild and Free- Through creation, play, imagination, and spirit- and let me tell ya, they are spilling over with all of that!

It has been a week full to the brim of reading books of adventure, kindred spirits, poetry and history- Painting and skit performing, baking and running barefoot outside…. It feels like the last burst of Summer on the brink of Autumn, and although Im exhausted, Im utterly filled with inspiration and joy to be Home with them this year…

The past few days, we have felt a shift in the wind- you can feel these pockets of cool air mixing in with the heat, see clouds trying so hard to roll in the rain…. After such a long Summer I thought I was dreaming it up! Yet Saturday morning, as Andrew and I brought our coffee out on the porch, I felt it- I knew. Fall. Its almost here- We dont get the same Season as I grew accustomed to in Japan, yet I’ll take it in any form- The girls joined us under the carport, watching a dark grey sky blow over, and the breeze pick up with a Herculean Strength!

So of course, I grabbed my camera, and in our PJs, we captured the moment….

As a side note in this post, I wanted to talk a little to the Mom-tographers (or Dads!)… I just wanted to touch on a photo tip (if your at all interested!)

The power in cropping- Im a super im-perfect photographer… I have learned over the years of playing with cameras and lenses, that I love movement- my kids twirling and jumping and being crazy, and myself chasing them around- A fixed lens at around 35-50mm is my jam… But this also can lead to my subject sometimes being at the same distance in a bunch of shots- (I shoot super quick! and sometimes dont pay to much attention to where Im standing, or any of the actual “Rules” of photography) So in comes the Crop- I love to crop… I look at an image straight out of the camera and can immediately see what is popping out at me, and that is where I want my focus to go. this may lead to grainy or blurry results, but I love that anyhow- its the FEELING im trying to preserve! As long as I love it, thats all that matters…. A memory frozen in time.

So dont be afraid to grab that crop tool and play with it! See where in the image grabs your soul, makes you laugh or cry, hone in on it and see what magic you can create!

Crown story is wearing, made by me last week for fun—- She just needed something new to play in <3

Thanks for peeking, till next time… xoxox

(Side note: For anyone here in Sig- these were just taken out back here on Marinai on the burm… Magic in our own backyard ;))