Our Dear Friends...... The Schrock Family


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I have 2 families…..

One, I was born into, I grew up with, and then married into- People who have shaped and guided me, raised me. Friends I am still close with to this day, who know me in and out- all of my secrets, my tendencies, my character- they have held my hand since I was a young girl, lost and very unsure as to where Life would lead… My Mama, my best pal, by guidepost. They are a constant reminder of where I came from, and all take up a piece of my heart…

Then I have my Military Family- The one I never saw coming, but are such a huge part of me all the same….. Over the last 14 years I have made a connection with some women who have become Sisters to me, because we share something sacred people outside the Military just can’t fully understand or relate to. We bond on a different level- feeling each others worry, sorrow, the up and down emotions through deployments- raising babes overseas, trying to meet like minded individuals every 3 years, up-rooting and re-establishing yourself and family over and over again, just wanting an adult to talk to when your drowning, the porch-side bar that brings laughter and stories, the companionship you can find at any playground or backyard BBQ.

Cherished. These People, the ones we say farewell to far to fast, hoping paths will cross again, are so cherished.

Sarah, our time together was cut short- Life was busy and chaotic, but in the moments we spent together, you became that- one of my sisters- Finding a Kindred Spirit in Life is rare, they come along like a Fox sighting in the Forest. Yet here you were….. I am so grateful for you. I know that this is just the beginning of our friendship <3 Thank you for giving me the honor to spend your last evening here in Sigonella together, capturing a memory, even if it is slightly different then we maybe envisioned. These boys are so amazing and I hope they dont totally forget me before they see me again, I just adore them….

Harry, Sarah, Killian, & Finn—— Hearts of Gold.

As your bunch is onto a new chapter, as all of us Navy Families are every few years, know Andrew and I are here for you….. So much Love Schrock Fam. —-xoxoxoxoxoxox