Happy Birthday Teagan <3

And just like that, Birdy is 12.

I can remember being pregnant with her like it was yesterday…. I remember exactly how she felt, her hiccups and kicks, responding to my terrible stories even back then I would make up to tell her, and how she wasnt ready to come Earthside quite yet. This child is so unlike my others-

Our Birdy is quirky through and through, smarter then I can keep up with, curious about the World she discovers through written words, loving to all living creatures, still a ferocious writer, anxious yet brave, and everyday maturing more and more while handling her obstacles. Its my Joy in life to be her Mama.

This year part of her Big Day (well week the way we do things! ;)) was a late afternoon picnic with Little Sis and I, up at her favorite spot on Etna… She wanted to climb some trees, as they are lacking down here in the valley—- I made a picnic dinner, she threw on her new dress (mama-made <3) and my jean jacket (yeah, I dont know I can claim it to be mine anymore!) we gathered songs for a new playlist, and headed out… Low and behold, we did not get the Sunset we set out for…. Bird was even more excited about the clouds on the mountain and mist in the air! she said we stepped back in time, and it felt like Home. (Japan.) Be still my heart.

For the next hour in the cold, she ran through the scattered wild flowers and climbed branches. It was perfect… Driving home, as she sang along to Miley Cyrus and the Lumineers, I caught glimpses of her in the rear view- smiling ear to ear, a pile of books in her lap. A picture I want to hang onto forever.

I cant believe this is that last year before her actual “teens”- I plan to soak up ever second I can with her…. my #1 teacher, my pal.

I love you to the Moon sweet child… xoxox