Hannah Ash

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Garmisch- The Bavarian Alps

All I can say is, Bavaria is my happy place.

Last April (Yes, it has taken me this long to Blog this! Womp, Womp.) we took a trip to Germany. This has been on a wishlist for years, and I couldnt be more thrilled we made it happen! After so much research, and logistics, we decided to go in the Spring- Hopes that we would be on the tail end of the Winter Season, and Spring would be blooming! We ALMOST timed it perfectly- waiting one more week would have been a bit better, just so we didnt miss paragliding through the mountains! Bummer…

BUT, as we drove up from Munich into Garmisch I knew it was going to be as I hoped. The mountains were all snow capped still, the cherry blossoms in bloom, the air still crisp enough that is was pure relief from the already hot temps of Sicily…. Could we have asked for anything better???

This little town is sooooo charming—- Be sure to hit up the Thai Place- the food is incredible!

ITT at Eidlewiess Lodge informed us the weather would be terrible up at the top of Zugspitz the day we planned to go up- Upon arrival, I was a little less optimistic they were wrong.

But then we broke through the clouds! And WOOOOOOW! Sill a white out, but we could see some of the mountains!

Zugspitz- 2,962 meters- The top of Germany

As I stated in my last Blog post of this trip, Our Madi stayed behind with the pup. However, since then she has taken an incredible trip up to Germany with her best friend! We ALL plan to return back…..

Dad’s Idea- hehe

She got a kick out of it!

Swallowed up by clouds…………

Maybe one of my favorite parts, the train ride down from Zugspitz.

Golly, standing at the foot of the Alps is just awe inspiring and humbling and downright incredible——

Lake Eibsee……

This place is so special, someday we will all be back here- exploring even more…. Till next time- xoxo