Saying farewell to Old Tip.- Georgia

He is Home.

After 6+ Months of Deployment to Rota Spain, he is finally back here with us…..

Life gives us funny timing- putting us right where we need to be, at just the right time- a serendipity we dont even recognize until the moment is upon us- Driven by purpose and pull to get up to Georgia for one reason, to love on Andrews Mom as she has been battling a health condition, to simultaneously and very suddenly spending the last days with Grandpas companion… Tip.

The Keeper and Watcher of McEachern Place. Lover and Loyal Dog to anyone and everyone who was welcome on the property- Catcher of rabbits, and apparently armadillos. Car chasing, pond swimming, bathing in the fields, barking at the Moon- He’s a true old land boy.

This quick trip was full of laughter to balance out the tears, a bit of hard work to balance out our ample porch time, and a lot of quiet for those who needed it. We all loved on Tip as much as we could- Susan feeding him warm biscuits in milk, the girls reading books to him on the deck, Grandpa giving so many sweet scratches under soft old ears- following him around with ice water in the heat or laying with him in the grass….

In a way, I felt I was watching the Land say farewell to him- the butterflies were abundant, flying about his body while he sun bathed, the rabbits all over the yard, no fear. Everything seemed still, at peace. Grandpa was prepared for this day, a hole dug at the front of the property, a wooden box built. A place Tip could still watch over everything and everyone.

Andrew sent me this quote he saw at the Vet’s Office where they said a final farewell to this loving Dog- “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” <3

We buried him and said goodbye on the last afternoon of our visit. The girls writing personal letters to put in his memorial plaque Grandpa will build, a plan of wild flowers to be planted again in the Spring, a Tallo tree that will grow to give him shade from the Georgia Heat. Red dirt under our fingernails, a sunset casting gold and pink across the sky, crickets bouncing through tall grass in our path.

Beauty in the sorrow.

Forever Love you Old Boy…..

This little part of Georgia is just so damn special to us, I cant even describe the feeling. Its a Home. Grandpa built a true HOME. Since being back stateside for our family, we just cant seem to stay away-

Susan, we love you dearly… Im so happy we were able to spend this time being with you and Gpa- It was as comforting for us as it was for you…. Its just wonderful to see you on the up! Hug GPa huge for us, we will see you again super soon—- xoxoxo

Our LifeHannah LewisComment