Slow Beach Evenings.....
Sometimes we get these completely perfect moments……
A bright Moon, a Comet on the Horizon, soft white sand underfoot—- A warm breeze, kite fliers on an almost deserted beach—- ya know, the good good. It doesnt take much for our family to connect… to go from irritation or frustration or noise, to laughter and play. I need this as a reminder.
It just takes a quick drive to the coast, a place where we all can stretch out, dance under a sunset, cartwheel in the breeze. On this particular evening, I didnt get many photos… we were in search of a Astro-Phenomenon, and caught off guard by light up Octopi in the sky! But this whole evening can play like a Home Movie in my mind. I remember exactly how it felt- how Story sat in my lap as we star-gazed, how Tea and Madi lit up when dad found the Moon and Planets through our telescope, so crystal clear…. I can hear their fun, their childhood, their moments of sibling-hood…. And even though I dont recall what music we played on the drive, I know the windows were rolled down, the volume was loud, and we all sang at the top of our voices.
I can feel these days of the whole 6 of us slipping away…. The older kids are adults now and are finding Life’s Path, its a beautiful thing, but a change in all of our lives. Time is so fleeting—- Im having a bit of struggle just even realizing we have been back stateside 13 months, how much we have ALL grown, how different Life is looking. But every-day Im finding my way back to present, to soak in this chapter, to really be here now.
It’s a damn good show, and I dont want to miss a minute of it—-
As I sit here and type in our new living room- Harvey at my feet, kids on the couch, noses in books- I am just basking in the moment. There will be arguments today, there will be laughter, there will be frustrations and noise and chaos, but we are together. I’ll see that as a completely perfect moment.
Until next time—- xoxo