Another Climb- Mt Kokuzo

Mt Kokuzo, 2x.

John Muir wrote “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” Aint that the truth. <3

Nature is finally back open!!!!!!! It happened last week, 3 months after the Covid quarantine restrictions were put in place, and the natural world was cut off from us… As thankful as I am everyday for our situation, these four walls have been closing in on me… Affecting my daily mood, my energy, my SOUL. The lift happened just as Dear Husband was taking leave from work, for our little ‘stay-cation’ so the timing couldnt have been better…

This past week we have spent as much time as we can outside… We took a few trips to some favorite waterfalls, a drive to Hirado, and have done some much much needed hiking! Today we had a ‘day date’ to a favorite Mountain, our second trip there… Its a beacon in the mountainous skyline here in Nagasaki, like a crows beak pointed to the sky… Our children call it “Crumpet” and they really enjoyed this bit more challenging hike when we took them last year.. You can see that blog post here:

But today was just me + him. The last day before he heads back to work.. When we hiked with the kiddos, we didnt summit. The top gets a bit tricky, and its a teeeeeeny top- So we made a judgement safety call- This time tho, we peaked! It was a super fun climb, and the views were spectacular… you can see so much of Kyushu Island up here! We were delighted to hang with two elderly Japanese couples at the top for a bit, we always meet the coolest hikers- and although I didnt get any smiley pics, or good ones really, it was an AWESOME date! Im so so thankful Andrew and I have found this love for this planet, it has so much to offer and explore….

Wanderlust is forever real friends…

See the tiny peek above??? If your in the Nagasaki area, this is a great climb, check it out!

Till next time… -xoxo