Hannah Ash

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Things have been, well different, around here lately…. For the last few months I have been dealing with, Ill just call it, pelvic pain. My endometriosis has flared, causing other issues, and it has been debilitating. Some days are good, most have been awful. I have struggled with care here at our tiny hospital- tossed around by docs, mis-diagnosed, blocked to go outside the area for care by covid…. All in all, aside from possible other treatment, I need a hysterectomy.

After now almost 20 years of having this disorder, Im very ready for the procedure. I am thankful more for my uterus then any other part of my body… It has grown and gifted me 4 gorgeous, healthy babes. They are my LIFE.

This past week things have changed. I have taken control again of my own health, eliminating some things to my diet, and adding more of others… Finding relief in pelvic yoga, herbs, and cbd oil, reducing stress, and getting out anytime I feel I can…. The timing of this is terrible, since its falling in the very short window of dear husband being home, which has been so heavy on me. I havent felt at all like myself, but with his, and my kids support, Im getting there…

The other night, Andrew had duty… Rye was out with friends, and my girls were all hanging with me, BORED. I saw on the forecast that rain was moving in, and quick, so we decided to take a chance and hit the beach… I cant swim right now, but Madi promised to help Tea, Bean always sticks by my side… It ended up being a perfect outing… Shirahama was actually clean of debri, the water was clear, the clouds were rolling in, and aside from a few locals and some dogs, we were alone. Story and I found smooth stones and splashed, and she dug around the sand, I of course took pictures, while the older girls dodged waves…

I paid for it later that evening, yet it was worth every moment… I needed the coast, I needed the fresh air. Nothing makes my heart soar like watching my children enjoy the natural world.

Everyday Im feeling a teeny bit better, so I know there will be light at the end somehow. Send me good vibes fam and friends, positive prayers that I can get to where I need to be to find relief. <3

So many shots of Story, I know! But the others always run away… ;)

Till next time—- xoxo