Posts tagged Sigonella
Christmas in the Italian Dolomites

Aw Man, I dont even know how to try and describe how damn special this trip was….. I did however try to capture a bit of it, in between playing in the snow, soaking up the kids, special moments with husband, and freezing!! Golly this place is a Winter Wonderland SnowGlobe Paradise Of Nature’s Playground dressed in White!!! I love it here.

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Mt Etna….. March.2021

Man Im behind on posting….. It happens…

This one tho, when we finally made it to the Mountain….

Every day we visit her from our neighborhood- Us and the girls on the walk with the dog, waving from afar, saying ‘Hello’… From the clear days when she looks massive to the ones she hides behind the clouds to the shows she puts on, lava spits and dragon smoke, its like we’ve become friends… There is scientific proof that people have an endorphin effect from staring or being among the Mountains- this rings so true for Me.

Eddie Vedder said “Sure as I am breathing, sure as I am sad, Ill keep this wisdom in my flesh… I leave here believing more then I had, this love has got no ceiling.” I found this quote to resonate deep with me…

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Falling for Sicily.....

Welp, Im finally finding myself falling in Love here. It has taken some time, some healing, some surrender- Maybe it was the light rolling across the super green hills or the sounds of cow bells, maybe just Him holding My hand while we drove into the countryside. After 13 years he still knows how to make my stomach swarm with butterflies…..

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