Mt Yufu--- Take two.

Our last trip to Yufuin was this past Summer… It was honestly a perfect day, the weather was misty and warm, the mountain almost empty, lush and green, and deer were everywhere! But I wasn’t well… So we weren’t able to do much climbing. Since then, this beautiful trail has been on my mind, I had been itching to go back and reach the summit, take in a new view….

My Birthday is around the corner, 36, Yikes…. Life is just cruising by! Im healthy, a bit out of shape, but feeling like myself again…. My energy is restoring, and my hunger for Nature is at an all time extreme… I want us to be out doing just this every chance we can! The day trips into the trees. For my Big Day I decided to set a challenge for the kids… Since this mountain is a bit far from the house, I knew we would need to make it a Family trip—- We loaded up and left the house about 7:30 Am, and took the 2.5 hr drive via toll roads out to the other side of Kyushu…. The Park was PACKED when we arrived! Local hikers cant pass up this gorgeous Autumn weather we are having any more then we can! The hike took around 5 hrs total… We took a few breaks as needed, and enjoyed our time at the top- broken convos with the local Japanese, who wore the right shoes ,(we have to stop doing this in Converse!!) greeting their dogs, and breathing in the air, the vibe, the views….

The top of the mountain has a camel like hump… when you get closer to the sway in her back, the ground becomes rocky and climbing a teeny bit more challenging… We stayed here at this sway… Found a perfect spot to hang- The two peeks on either side of the Volcano are a bit more of a challenging climb, defiantly not one I would do with little children, or in shoes without tread ;) To the left looked a little more challenging?? Maybe to the right?? Either way, it was chains and very craggy… Andrew wanted to go so bad!!! Again, hiking shoes being ordered so we dont miss out again!

By the time we reached the bottom our legs were jelly, but my soul was re-charged—- I needed this. Im so damn proud of my kids for being so amazing on this one, its the longest hike they have done with us, and they rocked it out!!

Thanks Fam for this Birthday Gift…. It was perfect.


See our last trip to this Mountain from Summer here:

Till next time Dear Friends…. -xoxo