Posts tagged Japan
Mt Tenzan- Japan

I cried on the way to and from Mt Tenzan last weekend…. Husband made fun of me as we cruised along listening to “Death Cab For Cutie” saying Im like Ben Fraiser in Bedazzled, ya know, when he is the sentimental version of himself, crying while looking at a sunset “Its just so beautiful!!” ok, I wasnt like that, at all… But lately I cant help but feel emotional every time we get out to these Mountains and Coastlines as a family… It may be the last time we see this. So Im embracing every moment fully..

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Mifuneyama Ruken....Autumn, your just so pretty!

Today, December Welcomes us.... Well actually on our side of the world, it was yesterday we said farewell to Autumn ;) And even after 11 months of being back over the big blue, its still crazy for me to put myself in the right time zone...

Japan makes my heart thumpa thump in the Fall.... Every shade of garnet and amber from the maples, the cooler air that is so damn welcome after a relentless Summer, and the introduction to the years Holiday Season, Im always in my element!! I know some of ya'll feel me...

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Our Fuji-San Climb!

We have lived here in Japan for a little over 2 1/2 years.... I wont bore you with all we have done, seen, explored, experienced, ect, however I will tell you that almost all of the Americans I have met here will tell you they have a "Japan Bucket List".... Usually filled with monuments, shrines, cities... But at the top of many of these lists is climbing Mt Fuji... and it was sitting quietly at the top of ours.

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