Lempuyang Temple

This was my favorite day in Bali.

Top of my Must See list was Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang... The Gates of Heaven. Its said to be one of the holiest places in Bali, and predates almost all of the Hindu temples on the island, at almost 2,000 years old. We knew upon arrival that there wasn't any way we would be able to climb the 7 stations of the temple, at least not with the kids, so Hubs and I will be back someday to conquer that.... However that didn't make our trip any less special...

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Bali Swing

Our first day in Ubud was spent mostly walking the streets, checking out the shops, eating at different spots, but lets face it, kids get over that quick!! Even our Kids...

So we made sure ahead of time to have a few options to get us out where they could run and play! We had Ketut meet us in the afternoon and take us for a drive over to the Bali Swing... I had seen images on the Web of beautiful women swinging out over the palms, so honestly didn't know what to really expect... But we were happily surprised! Its a huge open area of discoveries among the rice terrace, with a few swings to choose from!

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Ubud, Bali....

Eight days in Bali just wasn't enough... Over the Christmas break, Husband and I took all 4 kids on a trip... It has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember to visit this part of Indonesia, and by golly, she didn't disappoint... I don't really know where to start!! So this will be Part 1: Ubud.

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Mifuneyama Ruken....Autumn, your just so pretty!

Today, December Welcomes us.... Well actually on our side of the world, it was yesterday we said farewell to Autumn ;) And even after 11 months of being back over the big blue, its still crazy for me to put myself in the right time zone...

Japan makes my heart thumpa thump in the Fall.... Every shade of garnet and amber from the maples, the cooler air that is so damn welcome after a relentless Summer, and the introduction to the years Holiday Season, Im always in my element!! I know some of ya'll feel me...

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Saga.... International Balloon Fest

Yeah Yeah, I know... Y'all are so tired of hearing from me how much I love it here, the people here, our experiences.... But the bottom line is that this is TRUTH.

At every turn this country seems to put me in a state of Wonder. My eyes take in the beauty while my soul expands and this feeling of content pleasure with a splash of openness to all this world has to offer washes over me.

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