The other night, Andrew had duty… Rye was out with friends, and my girls were all hanging with me, BORED. I saw on the forecast that rain was moving in, and quick, so we decided to take a chance and hit the beach…

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Another Climb- Mt Kokuzo

Mt Kokuzo, 2x.

Nature is open!!!!!!! It happened last week, 3 months after the Covid quarantine restrictions were put in place, and the natural world was cut off from us… As thankful as I am everyday for our situation, these four walls have been closing in on me… Affecting my daily mood, my energy, my SOUL. The lift happened just as Dear Husband was taking leave from work, for our little ‘stay-cation’ so the timing couldnt have been better…

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Tiny Dancer....

She has been dancing since the womb…. Memories of long baths, swollen belly, little Her fluttering around to the sound of my terrible singing, Elton’s “Tiny Dancer”… It will forever be her song…

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Date in the Woods.....

Ok, Ima cheap date.

Today I felt the pullllllllll…. It has been months since I have had a break from the children (aside from errands… booooooooo) and this mama needed a minute. A Date. A quiet moment with just Dear Husband to connect and disconnect.

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Madi’s Newest Creation.

Welp, its been 7 weeks so far of quarantine…. Things are lifting slowly in our area, a couple of parks and a mountain where we can hike… We also welcomed Dad back home, his ship stayed an extra month+ at sea due to the virus, But the biggest YEY we have had in so long….

All in all, we are happy, healthy, together… We are in a very very good situation in southern Japan where our base has done everything I feel in its power to keep Covid Clear—- Our families back home are safe and sound as well, we are grateful every single day for this. The kids have been homeschool and virtual schooling, and all of them have been tapping into creative projects—- Dear Madi Paige, well she is still making masks.

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