Posts in Travel
Another Climb- Mt Kokuzo

Mt Kokuzo, 2x.

Nature is open!!!!!!! It happened last week, 3 months after the Covid quarantine restrictions were put in place, and the natural world was cut off from us… As thankful as I am everyday for our situation, these four walls have been closing in on me… Affecting my daily mood, my energy, my SOUL. The lift happened just as Dear Husband was taking leave from work, for our little ‘stay-cation’ so the timing couldnt have been better…

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Kyoto.... Part 1

Awwww man. Where to even start… Ill keep it simple I suppose, especially since I included so many pictures! ;)

Kyoto Japan.

It has been on my Bucket List for years, grouped in with that ever nagging feeling of “unfinished” when we left Japan 5 years ago… I had dreams of walking the cobblestone streets of the Geisha District, seeing shrines that date hundreds of years back, strolling along the Oi River, imagining what this land looked like 500 years ago. I am so so happy Dear Husband and I made this happen.

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Hiroshima Japan


On our road trip up to Kyoto this month we decided a perfect stop along the way would be the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.. Dear Husband had visited this area years ago with the Blue Ridge, and I remember the profound impact it had on him—- I knew it was somewhere I wanted our children, as well as myself, to see.

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Travel, Our LifeHannah Lewis