Last Days of Summer//Back to Homeschool

These last days of August- just magic.

Yesterday morning, the girls and I stepped out early, just as the sun was coming up, and could feel Autumn in the wind- there was a crisp we havent felt in so long, a freshness we have longed for. Throwing on flip flops and grabbing bikes, we took advantage of this change in the weather- Put school on the morning back-burner, and cruised around the neighborhood…. every little piece of nature around us seemed to be uplifted by the break in the heat- The birds were in their loudest song, mount etna was clear as day in the distance (having lost her sheild of hot haze), the dandilions and trees swayed toward the sky- like i said, magic.

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Our Homeschool Year Wrap Up- 2022-23

we made it through another year, our third, and it was beautiful….

If Im being honest, continuing to Homeschool was not the plan… We had every intention of our children returning to Brick and Mortar Walls, for myself to join them in being involved as a Substitute and PTA Member and Volunteer- however, things change. Life happens, and with children, you just have to surrender to the days as they unfold.

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Happy Birthday Teagan <3

And just like that, Birdy is 12.

I can remember being pregnant with her like it was yesterday…. I remember exactly how she felt, her hiccups and kicks, responding to my terrible stories even back then I would make up to tell her, and how she wasnt ready to come Earthside quite yet. This child is so unlike my others-

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