Posts in Our Life
Hike in the October Rain- Mt Etna Sicily

First weekend in October, and by golly I needed this-

I was sent a link to a park on the Northern side of Etna to check out- In late October/Early November the mountain explodes in Autumn colors, completely dressed to impress… So we thought we would get a jump and check out this spot! As always when heading to the Mountains, you need to prepare for anything-

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A Love Letter to Georgia--- Going Home this Summer.

This week has been a real emotional roller-coaster.

I have put this off since we have been back from vacation last August…. Not even being able to look at the photos or footage I shot- embraces and laughter shared still so fresh, the tears shed having to come back to Sicily, to leave our loved ones who we miss intensely…. The decisions and choices we have moving with the Navy have layers of reasoning, yet all of us dont want to be here right now. At all. We want to be with you.

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Schiena dell'Asino Hike on My Etna/ Sicily

The Land Of Dragons…. A Date Andrew and Hannah Style ;)

Ok, so there weren't really Dragons, of course... Anyone else have Kahleesi envy??? Just a little?

Last weekends' Hike up Mt Etna felt like we had, once again, stepped back in time. We entered the land beneath a canopy of fog and clouds, so moody and dreamy it honestly felt like at any moment GIANT flying beasts would swoop in- cut through the thick white blocking the incredible views in every direction...

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We are Family........ Post 1

Aw man. Since coming back to Sicily, I have been R E A L L Y avoiding my computer………..

To say I have been emotional would be putting it lightly. I have never felt more like I have left “HOME” behind before. Each and every one of the beautiful people we spent time with over this vacation back to the states was a part of that. Although we couldn’t see all of our loved ones, and the time line was insanely small, we did try really hard to make the best of it- and squeeze in as many hugs in as our hearts could hold……

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